Casting Mythical Figurines

unique figurinesVirtually every household will have hidden treasures. Many of them will come in the form of figurines that have been purchased or handmade by someone. Most of them have some special meaning behind them. One thing that makes them even more special is the fact that casting mythical figurines is something that can be done by anyone. This makes them perfect as gifts or special occasions that you want to remember.

The Beauty of Figurines

figurine moldingsThere are many types of figurines available. They may range from a kitten playing and children being cute to unicorns and dragons. With a little creative thought and a desire to make something cool; you can create anything. Often, these figurines are used as decoration, but there are some that have a special area within the home. For instance, if you have a casting of a biblical figure, you may choose to put it near the tree for your holiday celebrations. There are some people who know someone who loves the game of Chess and they create special Chess pieces for that person to use when they play. Your only real limitation is going to be discovering how far your creative mind is willing to go with it.

The One of a Kind Figurines We Cherish

encapsulating with resinThe beauty of figurines comes from their uniqueness. Each piece is one of a kind. Even those that are made by professionals will end up slightly different, either in the formation stage or the painting process. To begin making your own creations, you will either need to have a mold that can be filled with concrete, clay, or plastic. You place the material into the silicone mold and wait for it to harden following the directions on your chosen material type. Then paint it as you want and finish it with a clear glaze if you want to. If you are not interested in anything beyond the painting or polishing of a finished figurine; you can purchase unfinished ones.

In other projects, such as creating a special gift for someone, you may want to simply encase a special object into a paperweight or something. This may be a leaf or an interesting shell that you found while spending time with your family in the great outdoors. No matter what you want to create, you can do this by looking at different types of casting resin to see what will work for your needs.

What Will You Dream Up?

Casting biblical figures for Christmas, creating unique eggs for Easter, and giving a special gift to someone you love are all great things you can do with a little thought. You can look around for a million ideas on the internet and find that special one that you feel will be worth doing. You will have a great time seeing how truly creative you can be and the person that you choose to give your gift to will be very happy that you gave them something special. It will be a gift that truly comes from your heart.

Embracing Eco Friendly Water Transport

boat maintenanceWe live in a world where everyone benefits from paying attention to the environment. We have already come to understand that keeping things clean can make the difference between life and death for many animals and our world. There are people who constantly strive to lessen their carbon footprint so that they can preserve the world for future generations. We learn a lot from their efforts, but there are still a few areas that need improvement. For instance, some say we would do well if we figured out a way to start embracing Eco friendly water transport.

Why Worry About Carbon Footprints?

pollutionWe all play an important role in the way our earth is suffering. We drive where we want to go in our personal vehicles rather than carpool with others. We use pesticides, natural resources, and more. Even pieces of trash that we throw away rather than recycle add up to the “footprints” we leave behind. All of these little things that we do not really ever think about, add up to big issues for our future generations. If we keep going and do not start trying to save our environment, and lessen our negative impacts on it, our great grand-kids will not have the same things that we do.

Our Biggest Environmental Threats

water pollutionOur landfills are a huge concern because they are overflowing with stuff that will not simply disappear and become a part of the environment. We are throwing away batteries and electronics daily and those things could easily be recycled in most areas to keep them out of landfills. This is a great start. However, it isn’t enough. We must also think about the vehicles we use. Car emissions are a big contributor to pollution, but there is something that is even more dangerous. It is the emissions that are in our waters because of marine equipment. Boats with a leaky battery or a motor that leaks oil into the water can be devastating to fish. To cut down on this problem, we may need to practice better routine maintenance on our boats or switch to using a canoe that can be blown up. It will ensure that you are not leaving anything behind when you are done fishing for the day. Cars and other vehicles are a lot harder to combat, but for those who live in cities where pollution is greatest, there are options. Walking, carpooling, and even using scooters can be a major help.

Our Earth is Worth the Effort

We only have one planet earth. It is the only planet that we know can sustain life as it is right now. Do you really want to take it away from your future family members? You have to start thinking about the future today. Otherwise, there may not be a future. Admittedly, walking, pedaling, recycling, and using less chemicals may mean more work for us, but in the end; isn’t it worth it? Just a little effort today can help a lot if we make those little efforts a habit for our future. Remember always, that everything we use or have access to, can cause a problem if we are not careful.

Alternative Remedies for Indoor Pests

eliminating cockroachesIf there is one thing that no one will ever agree on, it is the best way to eliminate pests. According to some people, sprays are the most effective, but there are times and situations that sprays may not be the best solution. One example of this is indoor pests. Flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and other things may come into the house, but you may not want to spray around kids, pets, areas where you prepare foods, and more. What do you do in those situations? You consider alternative remedies for indoor pests.

The Problem with Indoor Pests

Mosquitoes bitingEveryone expects to be attacked by pests when they venture outdoors. It is annoying, but something we live with when we want to go enjoy all that we can outside of our homes. We accept the risk of knowing that many insects carry diseases. We use spray in limited doses and hope that we do not get sick from spraying repellents on our body. When we go inside, we want to wash away the spray and relax. Those insects that plague us outside can follow us in. A mosquito on our clothing can torture us as we watch television. More of them can come in when we open the doors. Gnats and other flying insects can come in through screens and buzz our heads while we sleep. Is there any escape? Yes. You can battle the bugs inside without dealing with sprays that may cause trouble breathing and without poisoning the surfaces in your home.

Best Alternative Methods for Indoor Pests

flies in the homeBugs are always going to find a way in. They will come in on your clothes or when you open the doorway. To get rid of them, you need to think a little more about your battle plan. You can sprinkle Boric Acid powder around behind stoves and inside cabinets. Fly traps can also be effective for house flies, but they do not look pretty. Gnats can be annoying, but eliminating them is relatively easy if you use dish soap and vinegar as a homemade solution to pests. Camphor oil has proven effective at controlling mosquitoes. Garlic, peppermint, and tea tree oils are also great because mosquitoes do not like them. If those things are not doing enough, you can use an indoor mosquito trap that is powered by light. These bug zappers wipe out all types of flying insects.

Be Proactive in Your Battle Plans

Keeping a clean home may work to eliminate some pests, such as roaches who thrive on food scraps and water drips that may be found in the home. You should also repair broken screens and fill in the cracks of your home with silicone or other things. Pests, generally come in from outdoors. You may want to consider eliminating breeding grounds outdoors as well as using repellents or traps in your yard. This will give you the upper hand and ultimately lessen the number of insects that can come into your home. From there, gaining control within your home should be easy enough to do.

Alternative Housing Lifestyles

big traditional style houseRemember the days when owning the largest or best-looking house on the block somehow made your family appear to be better than others in the neighborhood? In today’s world, things are a little different. Most everyone still wants the nice-looking house, but it no longer matters whether it is the largest. In fact, there are a lot of people who enjoy living alternative housing lifestyles.

Type of Housing Available

RV in paradiseHome is where your heart is, and it is where you hang your hat. Therefore, many people are ditching tradition and breaking free of paying a mortgage for their entire adult life, just to say that are homeowners. There are people who live in RVs as their primary residence. They are un-restricted by a land-based home, meaning that they can spend a little time in one area and then move to another in search of an adventure. There are enough campgrounds around the world to enable them to put their home anywhere they want to be at that time. Another, newer trend, is tiny houses, which typically do not move around often, but still have that option. These houses offer all the conveniences of home, may be stationary or movable, and are much more affordable than a traditional home.

Benefits of Alternative Housing

tiny house interiorOne of the biggest benefits, according to most people, is that these other housing options enable them to be less restricted by their home. A smaller home means less maintenance. You do not have to clean it as often because you have less stuff inside it. You do not have to repair as many different areas of it as you would in a larger home. If you want to travel to the beach on the weekend, you pick up your home and go. You do not have to worry about where to leave your dog or how much to pack up for a trip, you simply take it all. It allows people to have more time as a family and they generally spend more time exploring the world around them rather than sit in the house on their home computers, smart phones, and video games.

According to an Alliance Development Group, other homeowners like being debt free in alternative housing. They typically do not have a long lasting, expensive mortgage, no land taxes, cheaper electric bills, and more. In a world where we are concerned about our environmental footprints, these tiny housing options allow you to leave a smaller impact on the world. They may have composting toilets, use very little water, and rely on solar power rather than traditional. They are also easier to heat and cool than traditional homes.

Are You Ready to Contradict Traditional?

There will always be people who embrace traditional homes. They are the “norm”. There are always going to be people who feel that their life is incomplete until they have that two-story house on the hill that they have always wanted to call home. Then, there are the people who realize that tradition is overrated when it comes to their home. They want to enjoy life in a simpler way. It may not be ideal for everyone, but it could be the one thing you have been searching for in your own life.

Duality Illusion

the universeThere are many people who feel that science is a discredit to the belief that God created the world as we know it. It has been something that has been debated since the beginning of time. However, there are those who believe that quantum physics has the ability to erase some of the contradictions that we see between science and religion. It is even more evident, according to some if you look into the duality illusion.


quantum physics theoryIf you look at the word duality, you will see that it is two theorems or a contrasting concept. We often look at the world that we live in as contrasting theories. We feel that those who believe God created the Earth are separated by those who believe that science and evolution is the reason our Earth was formed. The discovery of quantum physics and theories has had an outstanding impact on changing the way that we view both. It is embraced by science and perhaps gives us evidence that God really did come up with the perfect design when he created the world we live in.

Quantum Physics

The Light Creates EnergyThis is something that is not easily explained. In short, it is the study of matter and energy at the nanoscopic level. It is the idea that everything we see stems from something that is un-see-able. It is a concept that is backed up by the bible when it talks about how those who have faith understands that the entire universe and what we see now did not come from anything that can be seen. The next bit of proof is the fact that with everything being tiny little particles and such, but how is it all held together? If you look at the bible, and the research we are able to do today, you will discover that light is the key to all of those tiny things becoming solid objects that we can see. According to the Genesis, God said, “let there be light” and that God saw light as good. The implication is that God made light before he created anything else.

Our Ideas are Changing

If you look back, even Albert Einstein was studying quantum physics. He made a discovery about the fact that time and space are relative and not the absolute that we believed it to be in the past. This means that it is all an illusion, which is also stated within the bible when the Lord has a day that is like a thousand years. There are also those who take this idea and relate it to what happens to us in the afterlife and science is starting to prove that life does not create the universe, but the universe does create life. It is proven in the way that waves and particles change their behavior based on our perceptions and consciousness. This, according to some, ultimately explains why those who believe can have the eternal life that God has promised to us in the bible since what is unseen is “eternal”. It also shows that quantum physics, universal laws, and more all come together, ultimately, without contradictions, as stated in the “Illusion of Duality”.