Alternative Remedies for Indoor Pests

eliminating cockroachesIf there is one thing that no one will ever agree on, it is the best way to eliminate pests. According to some people, sprays are the most effective, but there are times and situations that sprays may not be the best solution. One example of this is indoor pests. Flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and other things may come into the house, but you may not want to spray around kids, pets, areas where you prepare foods, and more. What do you do in those situations? You consider alternative remedies for indoor pests.

The Problem with Indoor Pests

Mosquitoes bitingEveryone expects to be attacked by pests when they venture outdoors. It is annoying, but something we live with when we want to go enjoy all that we can outside of our homes. We accept the risk of knowing that many insects carry diseases. We use spray in limited doses and hope that we do not get sick from spraying repellents on our body. When we go inside, we want to wash away the spray and relax. Those insects that plague us outside can follow us in. A mosquito on our clothing can torture us as we watch television. More of them can come in when we open the doors. Gnats and other flying insects can come in through screens and buzz our heads while we sleep. Is there any escape? Yes. You can battle the bugs inside without dealing with sprays that may cause trouble breathing and without poisoning the surfaces in your home.

Best Alternative Methods for Indoor Pests

flies in the homeBugs are always going to find a way in. They will come in on your clothes or when you open the doorway. To get rid of them, you need to think a little more about your battle plan. You can sprinkle Boric Acid powder around behind stoves and inside cabinets. Fly traps can also be effective for house flies, but they do not look pretty. Gnats can be annoying, but eliminating them is relatively easy if you use dish soap and vinegar as a homemade solution to pests. Camphor oil has proven effective at controlling mosquitoes. Garlic, peppermint, and tea tree oils are also great because mosquitoes do not like them. If those things are not doing enough, you can use an indoor mosquito trap that is powered by light. These bug zappers wipe out all types of flying insects.

Be Proactive in Your Battle Plans

Keeping a clean home may work to eliminate some pests, such as roaches who thrive on food scraps and water drips that may be found in the home. You should also repair broken screens and fill in the cracks of your home with silicone or other things. Pests, generally come in from outdoors. You may want to consider eliminating breeding grounds outdoors as well as using repellents or traps in your yard. This will give you the upper hand and ultimately lessen the number of insects that can come into your home. From there, gaining control within your home should be easy enough to do.