A World of Contradictions

ying and yangBy definition, a contradiction is an opposition. It is statements that can be both fact and fiction. It is an idea that opposes another idea. Ideas, statements, and situations can all have another explanation that does not match up with what we at first believe. Therefore, it should not surprise us to realize that there is a world of contradictions and we live with them every day.

The Contradictions We Face

black and whiteIn our minds, everything we think or feel can be countered by another thought or another feeling. We may know what is right from wrong, but at times the lines of right and wrong can become a little fuzzy. What may be right feels wrong and vice versa. As human beings, we are a walking contradiction depending on our situation and our circumstances at that time. It does not stop with our personal choices but extends into our spirituality.

The Contradiction of Spirituality

good vs evilAccording to many, the things that we believe is confusing at best, especially when it comes to our Christian faith. There are some who say that God did not create the world and that we are a product of particles and evolution. There are others who say that God invented the Earth and plays a part in everything that we see, touch, and feel each day. From there, we add in the science that we are all striving to understand. The theory of relativity, the quantum theories, and everything else can change the way that we look at the bible if we are believers in that theory over our faith. It is confusing for the believers and non-believers, but it is also an affirmation for those who never believed, according to some. There are those who believe that science only solidifies the idea that we should turn toward the Christian beliefs. How do you feel about the contradictions?